For those who are unaware of MND, it is a neurological disease that attacks motor neurons in the body which leads to eventual paralysis of the entire body. MND victims at the end of their lives can only hear, see and feel. Terrifying isn't it? It gets worse. It is passed on from generation-to-generation and there are no tests at the moment to determine if a person has MND. It is diagnosed through an elimination process. Even if one is diagnosed, they cannot be cured as there is no cure for MND at the moment. Therefore it is imperative to help researchers find a cure. For that they require funding and this is where we get to come in and help as much as we possibly can.
The month of June is MND Awareness month! So if you are on Twitter, Facebook or a keen blogger... tweet, post or blog your little heart out about MND! Let people know what it is! The 21st of June is MND Awareness day! A movie about the last few months of another unfortunate MND victim - Neil Platt - is about to be released. The movie's called 'I Am Breathing'! 50% of the proceedings from the movie will be going to MND Association (MNDA) so if you can, please go and see the movie. It is said to be released internationally on the 21st of June. You can read more about Neil's story here: I Am Breathing.
If you want to be a part of Global Screening Day of 'I Am Breathing' please go to the following link:
Keep Neil, Miche, many others who've lost the battle against MND and currently battling MND in mind when you make a donation to MNDA, TBA or anyone who is fundraising for MND!
If you want to make a donation here are the websites:
MND Association -
The Broad Appeal -
There are also plenty of justgiving pages fundraising for MND - so check out their stories as well at the following links: Story 1, Story 2, Story 3, Story 4, Story 5, Story 6, Story 7, etc.
Love, The Broadettes xxx